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Word for mac double line spacing

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Word Right-click in the text and se­lect Paragraph from the menu. To get ac­cu­rate spac­ing, you should al­ways set it your­self, exactly. Mi­crosoft Word’s “dou­ble” spac­ing, for in­stance, is about 15% looser, and it varies de­pend­ing on the font.

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So if you’re re­quired to use a 12-point font, dou­ble line spac­ing means 24 points.Ĭu­ri­ously, the so-called “dou­ble” line-spac­ing op­tion in your word proces­sor doesn’t pro­duce true dou­ble line spac­ing. On a type­writer, each line is the height of the font, thus dou­ble spac­ing means twice the font size. That’s why court rules usu­ally call for dou­ble-spaced lines. Most courts adopted their line-spac­ing stan­dards in the type­writer era. The tra­di­tional term for line spac­ing is lead­ing (rhymes with bed­ding), so named be­cause tra­di­tional print shops put strips of lead be­tween lines of type to in­crease ver­ti­cal space.

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But dou­ble-spac­ing is still looser than optimal. Sin­gle-spaced type­writ­ten text is dense and hard to read. There­fore, line-spac­ing choices were lim­ited to one, two, or more lines at a time. Orig­i­nally, a type­writer’s platen could only move the pa­per ver­ti­cally in units of a sin­gle line. These habits are ob­so­lete type­writer habits.

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Most writ­ers use ei­ther dou­ble-spaced lines or sin­gle-spaced lines-noth­ing in be­tween-be­cause those are the op­tions pre­sented by word processors. Line spac­ing is the ver­ti­cal dis­tance be­tween lines of text.